Special Needs Professionals


Dear parent, carer, educator and concerned individual out there, it is very possible that you may notice an unusual pattern with a child’s development or learning process. Whilst your concern for the child may be genuine and is understandable, it is important that you don’t raise false alarms or give false hopes to anyone in a bid to appear competent and knowledgeable. There are professionals who are trained to diagnose developmental conditions in children. Please see the guide below for professionals who can help with issues related to a child’s development and learning. Let us try and refrain from giving diagnoses that we are not qualified to give. It causes undue pain.

SEN Professionals

Could that difficulty in writing be a sign of laziness or Dysgraphia?


Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder characterised by a difficulty in handwriting. Having dysgraphia doesn’t make a child lazy. Writing involves a number of complex skills including visual and language processing, use of working memory, and fine motor skills- all properly coordinated. This means for a child to write, they need to first process what they have seen or heard, what they want to write, how they should write it and finally translate these into marks, letters, or characters. Sometimes you may find that this skill is poorly developed and this may not be due to any underlying issues except the time it takes for children to develop and perfect these skills. But, if there was an underlying issue how would you as a parent/carer or educator know? The answer is: there are indications that can be seen which may suggest the presence of an underlying problem. The final diagnosis of the presence of dysgraphia would only be made by educational psychologist after due assessment and fine motor assessment input from an occupational therapist.

Below are some indicative signs that a child might have dysgraphia:

  • Poor memory or ability to recall and retain age appropriate information. This could lead to incomplete letters or words and may be further evidenced by constantly saying words aloud while writing.
  • Poor visual spacing or overall spatial planning which may be further seen in the way the child writes. You might see letters that go in all directions, writing that is not in line or writing that is not spaced out.
  • Poor pencil grip- this should originally be the fisted grasp, then the palmer’s grip followed by the five finger pencil grasp and finally tripod or three finger grip. A 5 year old using the five finger grip for example could be a sign of poor grip.
  • Poor muscle strength and finger dexterity which may result in pains or constant tiredness. This can arise from fine motor difficulties so such child might experience other difficulties such as the use of a scissors or cutlery.
  • Other speech and language difficulties suggesting a child might not be processing auditory or visual information properly.

As in most cases of neurological difficulties, early intervention can be very helpful. There are also several activities which can be done both at home and in the school to support children with dysgraphia.

Remember, no concern is trivial. So, if you notice anything unusual or have concerns about a child, please consult a licensed professional or a pediatrician.

Signs that your child might be dealing with Dyspraxia


Dyspraxia also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder is a motor disorder which affects gross and fine motor skills in infancy and early childhood. It is not a disease and if properly managed the symptoms can improve over time. A child who has dyspraxia will need the services of an occupational therapist. They may also present with other challenges such as behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. This is mainly because the reflexes in the body associated with dyspraxia also control some other sensory reactions which together can cause a barrier to a child’s ability to learn or behave appropriately – hence why it is a form specific learning difficulty. Common conditions which may exist alongside dyspraxia include ADHD, ASD and dyslexia.

***Gross motor skills means knowing how to make use of the large body parts and muscles for movement and coordination e.g running, crawling, swimming, walking.
*** Fine motor skills involves knowing how to move and use the smaller body parts and muscles e.g writing, cutting with a scissors, using cutlery, buttoning a shirt/top.

Below are things to look out for in children which can possibly suggest the presence of Dyspraxia:

1. Consistent delay in reaching developmental milestones such as those relating to head/ body control and movement as well as hand/eye coordination.

2. Lack of core body strength e.g.
a. When a child can’t seem to hold themselves upright while standing (Floppy posture)
b. When a child can’t seem to stand by themselves without leaning on someone or something.
c. Where a child has difficulty walking even a short distance without needing to sit or rest because they don’t have the strength to support that action.

3. Poor Balance e.g.
a. When a slight nudge might result into a fall
b. Where small tasks requiring balance are proving difficult e.g. balancing on one leg in order to pull trousers off.

4. Poor Coordination e.g.
a. When a child seems to always bump into things even when they are obvious.
b. When a child has difficulty navigating corners or avoiding obstacles or has limited spatial awareness.

5. Poor concentration, hypersensitivity to touch and or sound, limited listening skills coupled with difficulty in following instructions.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and is by no way a diagnosis. Please discuss all child health issues with a paediatrician.


Specific Learning Difficulties

As your children start to grow, you may notice that they are struggling with certain areas of their learning. Sometimes, this may be as a result of varied learning pace. Other times, it may be as a result of other difficulties associated with the child’s ability to learn. Specific learning difficulties refer to a number of conditions that affect the way a child processes input information and converts this into specific action or output. These conditions cannot be cured but can be managed effectively and people with these conditions can go on to live independent and successful lives.
#BeAware and show empathy.